CTRS-C Certification Course

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Course Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify at least five questions to ask to promote a trauma-informed and resilience-focused mindset, when working with youth.
  • Name the four main protective factors of resilient youth.
  • Describe how trauma impacts the deep and outer brain functions.
  • Describe the concept of private logic and provide at least two examples of how private logic impacts behavior.
  • Discuss the polyvagal theory as it relates to trauma and resilience.
  • Name at least one reason epigenetics is important to trauma practitioners.
  • Discuss how safety is maintained when implementing the SITCAP® model.
  • Identify at least three examples of sensory-based interventions for youth that can be used in response to crisis and/or for psychological first aid.

Academic Guidelines for Courses and Exams:

Starr Commonwealth recognizes the importance of academic integrity within the academic community. Starr expects that participants in Starr courses and exams will honor this principal to protect the validity of Starr’s intellectual work. Please review the below academic guidelines.

  • All academic work will be done by the individual to whom it is assigned. 
  • Each participant is permitted to submit the exam twice. The highest grade will be saved. If at that time you do not receive a passing grade, you will be required to retake your course or repay for your exam.
  • If a participant is uncertain about an issue of academic honesty, he or she can consult a Starr faculty member to resolve any questions prior to the submission of an academic exercise.
  • Cheating, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism (intentional or unintentional) are not permitted in any academic exercise for Starr courses or exams.

About the Instructor

Dr. Caelan Soma, PsyD, LMSW, Chief Clinical Officer at Starr Commonwealth, provides trauma assessment and short-term trauma intervention for students utilizing trauma-informed and evidence-based practices, including Starr’s SITCAP® model. 

Dr. Soma has been involved in helping with the aftermath of disasters such as Sandy Hook, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 9/11, and more. She has authored several books, including, Working with Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents. and 10 Steps to Create a Trauma-Informed Resilient School

She is an internationally acclaimed speaker and trainer and oversees all of Starr Commonwealth’s proven products and services. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology at California Southern University, where she received the 2013 CalSouthern President’s Award.

Interested in booking a speaking engagement or keynote with Dr. Soma? Please contact info@starr.org and provide a brief description about your area of interested/need.

Course Length and Access:

  • This course takes approximately 12 hours to complete and we encourage you to take your time with them, completing each at whatever pace works best for you and your self-care needs. 
    • We strongly encourage participants to watch all of the recommended videos, read all of the provided and recommended resources, and complete all of the provided activities – as this will help to ensure a trauma-informed, resilience-focused foundation is set for your future growth and the betterment of the students you serve.
  • Starr eLearning courses can be completed on laptops, tablets, or mobile devices – allowing the content to be accessed whenever and wherever you need it most.
  • You will have access to this course page for 1-year (365 days)