Contextualize and normalize emotions after crisis and explore steps to heal

Defusing sessions after potentially traumatic events are supportive and educational. The purpose is not to process or explore feelings, nor to allow for ventilation of feelings (this happens in one on one settings and after 4 weeks have passed from the date of the event). Why? This process prevents participants from revealing more about themselves than they wish to in a group and also protects the other participants from being exposed to others emotional intensity that may further dysregualte them.

Objectives of defusing sessions:

  • To allow participants to know that they are not alone with their thoughts and reactions.
  • To normalize thoughts and reactions.
  • To educate about additional reactions participants may have in the days/weeks that follow.
  • To identify the kind of support and resources they feel may make life a little easier for them.
  • To learn ways to care for themselves over the next several days, weeks, months.
  • To provide referral resources should they wish to talk with someone in the future.

Sessions are available for children, adolescents, and adults.

Ready to defuse traumatic events with your group? Get started today by filling out the form below or contact us at or (800) 837-5591.

Defusing Sessions Inquiry