Response Ability Pathways (RAP)
An on-demand course, featuring over 12 hours of instructional video content with Dr. Larry Brendtro and Dr. Robert Foltz.
RAP training provides all who care about and work with young people the practical tools to respond to needs instead of reacting to problems. —Lesley du Toit, Pretoria, South Africa
This foundation course puts the Circle of Courage model into practice to meet needs for Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity. Response Ability Pathways gives helpers the abilities to respond to needs and enables youth to take pathways to responsibility. RAP uses three natural brain-based problem-solving strategies: Connecting for support, Clarifying challenges, and Restoring respect. Problems become learning opportunities as cooperation replaces conflict. These helping strategies are universal across cultures, designed in our DNA to enable humans to support one another and live in harmony. RAP co-authors Larry Brendtro and Lesley du Toit translate research on resilience, trauma, culture, and neuroscience into terms readily understandable by lay person and professional alike. Training is enriched with video clips and experiential learning activities. RAP is relevant to parents, mentors, educators, youth workers, clinicians, and youth who gain skills to help their peers and family.
RAP Course Learning Objectives
- Review contributions of historic pioneers in strength-based education and youthwork.
- Explore Indigenous Circle of Courage and trauma-wise, resilience-focused principles: Belonging: Create cohesive groups that eliminate peer abuse and rejection. Mastery: Teach youth specific methods to identify and resolve problems. Independence: Build self-control and self-efficacy while respecting the rights of others. Generosity: Create a community of caring by developing empathy and concern.
- Understand the impact of adversity and trauma on children and youth.
- Practice natural brain-based RAP strategies for talking with persons in conflict: Connect for Support by building trust and empathy. Clarify Challenges by exploring critical events and developing insight. Restore Respect by providing strengths and supports to meet developmental needs.
RAP Course Materials
- Over 12 hours of on-demand video content, featuring Dr. Larry Brendtro and Dr. Robert Foltz
- Course Guidebook (PDF)
- Presentation Handout (PDF)
- Respectful Alliances Text (PDF)
- Certificate of Completion
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