Fostering Connections through Who I Am Worksheets

Fostering Connections through Who I Am Worksheets

School connectedness is a significant protective factor for all students in preventing substance abuse, violence, absenteeism, suicide emotional problems and eating disorders. Students who feel connected to their school are also likely to have better academic achievement. Now, more than ever – even in a virtual setting, child caring adults must foster connections. Connection is…

Are You Building a Sense of Belonging for Your Students?

Are You Building a Sense of Belonging for Your Students?

In Native American and First Nations cultures, significance was nurtured in communities of belonging. Lakota anthropologist Ella Deloria described the core value of belonging in these simple words: “Be related, somehow, to everyone you know.” Treating others as kin forges powerful social bonds that draw all into relationships of respect. Theologian Marty observed that throughout…

Back to School During a Pandemic: Starr’s Expert Panel

Back to School During a Pandemic: Starr’s Expert Panel

At the culmination of Starr’s 2020 Trauma & Resilience Conference, our experts came together to directly address the questions of our attendees. Throughout the session, they discussed returning to school, staff self-care, balancing the myriad of considerations of COVID-19, and many other topics to inspire educators and child-caring professionals. Starr’s Experts: Dr. Caelan Soma Derek…

Quick Tips to Start the School Year Right

Quick Tips to Start the School Year Right

Starr Commonwealth · Kathy Hart – Quick Tips to Start the School Year Right Kathy Hart and her team stand ready to help schools and organizations get the most out of Starr’s courses, resources, and materials. Schedule your organization’s training today by emailing Prepare your school to support students, staff, and families as we…

Promoting Resilience as Children Return to School

Promoting Resilience as Children Return to School

Resilience provides hope, an essential experience for not just students but all of the adults working with them. We may not be able to take away toxic stress and trauma a child has experienced during COVID-19 or will continue to experience in their homes or communities post-pandemic, but we can create new experiences of resilience….

PBIS in Trauma-Informed Resilience-Focused Schools

PBIS in Trauma-Informed Resilience-Focused Schools

Many educators may think that Positive Behavior Supports & Interventions is a straightforward system that may not vary school to school. The reality is that PBIS can, in fact, take many forms. It can even be integrated with other areas of focus. Trauma-informed, resilience-focused schools look at the needs of each child. Therefore, PBIS can…

De-Escalation: It All Begins with Awareness and Mindfulness

De-Escalation: It All Begins with Awareness and Mindfulness

Recently, Starr Commonwealth has received many questions regarding techniques for de-escalating dysregulated behavior. Before any of us can control our fight or flight responses, we must be able to bring awareness to our present moment. Present moment awareness discharges activations due to fight/flight responses, and brings energy to shutdown. Activities to bring an individual’s awareness…

Defusing Sessions Available through Starr Commonwealth

Defusing Sessions Available through Starr Commonwealth

What is defusing, and where would these sessions fit in the crisis response timeline? Defusing is both supportive and educational. Its purpose is not to process or explore feelings, nor to allow for the ventilation of feelings (this happens 1:1 and after 4 weeks has passed). Why? This process prevents participants from revealing more about…

Children’s Mental Health Awareness in Times of COVID-19

Children’s Mental Health Awareness in Times of COVID-19

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is designated annually in May to bring national attention to the importance and needs of youth, mental health, and their psychological well-being.  This year CMHA Week is May 3-9. Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 is substantially unlike year’s past as the result of the Coronavirus pandemic.  During this time…



The heart rate is a large part of the physiological affect we experience, both when regulated or experiencing reactions of stress. Having awareness of our own heart rate in any of these platforms and having a practice to alter that rate can affect our experience of safety on the body level. How can we best…