We are Oneness

Starr Commonwealth is committed to racial healing and established Glasswing to create a catalyst for conversation around racism and building compassion, honesty, and unity between all people.

The healing experience of Glasswing addresses issues related to marginalized groups excluded from belonging, in addition to the destructive forces and cycles of discrimination and racism that surround us.  Our training is offered to schools, human service organizations, faith communities, and the corporate sector; our Glasswing consultants are equipped with the right tools and experience to provide evaluation and guidance in situations where schools or other organizations have experienced a crisis of hate in any of its forms.

The goal of these efforts is to bring together all members of the human family, embracing the value of diversity with dignity. The goal is to reinforce the oneness of humankind.

Why: Hidden Prejudice

Racism is one of the most pervasive challenges facing our society today. Although instances of racism may be less overt than in the past, significant divides still exist. Glasswing was created to start the difficult process of racial healing and creating racial equity.

What: A Unique Approach to Racial Healing

Using a method called “The Five Shifts,” Glasswing gives participants a fresh perspective on racial healing. Glasswing facilitators are experienced in creating an environment of honesty while ensuring the safety of all participants. These sessions cannot solve the issue of racism, but they can be a spark that leads to real, meaningful change.

How: Racial Healing Seminars

Through one-day or two-day seminars, Glasswing participants learn the value and strength of listening. The idea of truly trying to experience someone else’s reality is a powerful way to gain insight into each other’s lives, and participants often feel as if they’ve undergone a transformation of both the heart and mind upon the conclusion of the seminar.

Our Story

One of the core values at Starr Commonwealth is the belief in the oneness of humankind, and Glasswing was created to live that value.

While Starr has played an active role in addressing racism and its damaging effects since the 1980s, it wasn’t until the 1990s that Glasswing was formed.  In 1996, after Starr leadership attended an event where renowned racial healing author Nathan Rutstein was speaking, our organization felt strongly that it could deliver something of value to the conversation on racism and racial healing – and so Glasswing was born.

Glasswing’s two-day sessions are often referred to as the “Glasswing experience,” as many leave the process emotionally drained but ready to make a difference in their families and communities. Glasswing has trained thousands of individuals from organizations like Albany Public Schools, Kellogg, Michigan State University, Oaklawn Hospital, Purdue University, State Farm, and many more on the impact of racism in our communities.

Glasswing is Part of Everything We Do

Starr is committed to ensuring not only all of its employees have completed the “Glasswing experience,” but also that the principles that support the oneness of humankind are incorporated into all of our courses, in-person/virtual trainings, conferences, and programs.

When all are able to feel a strong sense of belonging, all will be able to fully contribute to the society we wish to create – a world where all can flourish.

Get More Information About Glasswing

Contact us to learn more about Glasswing or to schedule an in-person or virtual training today!

Please also take a look at our At the Intersection of White Privilege and COVID-19 episode, which was created Christi Barrett & Ken Ponds (Senior Glasswing Facilitators) and presented at our 2020 Annual Trauma & Resilience Conference.