
6 Ways to Show Educators You Care

6 Ways to Show Teachers You Care

The National School Climate Center notes that “empirical research has shown that when school members feel safe, valued, cared for, engaged, and respected, learning increases and staff satisfaction and retention are enhanced.” (2017)

More than ever educators need to feel respected. Maybe you are an administrator or an educator yourself. Regardless, you can help promote a school climate where teachers feel special and most importantly valued.

If you are an administrator, consider a year-long campaign—rather than just during teacher appreciation week—to celebrate and support educators. Put together a group of school board members, PTA members, parents, and students to make this come to life.

If you are an educator, put together your own group of colleagues to find ways to help support one another. Encourage your school administration to participate.

6 Ideas to Show your Teaching Staff You Care

  • Posters, social media posts or newsletters to the school community featuring an educator of the week or a group of educators each week depending upon the number of staff in your building
  • Regular handwritten notes from administrators, PTA members, parents and students given to their educators
  • Secret Teacher friends – assign secret teacher friends for anyone who wants to participate. Small treats, notes of encouragement are given to the teacher several times throughout the year
  • Bagel or Donut Fridays
  • Gift cards to local restaurants or coffee shops – ask for donations from parents or local establishments
  • Set up a coffee bar and snacks in the teacher’s lounge


Educators are natural helpers. While this mentality is critical for student success, we often find teachers neglecting to help themselves. Click below to identify your potential stressors and resources to remain resilient.

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